clarity /ˈklarɪti / ▸ noun [mass noun]

1. the quality of being coherent and intelligible:
▫ the quality of being certain or definite:

Gaining Clarity is a vital ingredient for making a success out of any endeavour.


Often in business we are surrounded by noise and can sometimes get sidetracked or distracted from what is really important to growing our business.

Working Together

At GainClarity we’ll work together to cut through the noise and identify clear, practical steps to build a better business and a better life.


Personal growth often precedes professional growth and in order to develop our business we often need to step out of our comfort zone and improve ourselves before business growth can take a leap forward.

Why Work with Me at GainClarity

Often our biggest successes come after our biggest failures or mistakes. Over many years in business I’ve certainly made my fair share of mistakes but also had some successes.

Using this experience, I can help you to avoid many common pitfalls, save you a lot of time and a lot of money.

My wealth of sales experience over the years, both B2B and B2C, through Direct and Distribution channels, across multiple countries, provides a wide scope of knowledge, all based around the Customer Success principles of creating a better business through growing my client’s business.

This experience, over 25 years, includes having operated business as a sole trader, grown a family-based firm from 2 to 10 employees; being a Co-Owner and Sales Director of a UK based manufacturing company with 60 plus employees, operating in 6 countries and selling to over 40 countries around the globe.

I’ve started business from scratch, bought into and sold businesses.

… Oh, and sold door to door for commission only!

More Recently

More recently I’ve worked with Mentees through the government Help to Grow programme.

I’m a Peer2Peer Boards member and Chair the Putteridge Bury Campus Peer2Peer Board at the University of Bedfordshire.

If you are ambitious, positive and open minded but recognise that you can’t do it all alone, if you like to keep things simple but effective, I’d love to book a call for a discovery session.

For Business – For Life